三维软件动态互连工具 FULL Substance Painter Live Link + v1.0.0.4

三维软件动态互连工具 FULL Substance Painter Live Link + v1.0.0.4 Autodesk-第1张

它与Cinema 4D,3DS Max,Maya,Blender,Modo和Houdini一起工作。这是Substance Painter和多个3D建模软件之间的Live Link连接的完整版本,包括转换成渲染器材质。


SP 2017+ (pbr-metal-rough)
Blender 2.79+ (using principled shader)
Maya 2017+(Redshift, Arnold, Vray, Renderman)
Houdini 16.5+ (Redshift,Arnold,Renderman)
3DS Max 2017+ (Redshift,Arnold,Corona,Vray)
Modo (Standard mat,Unity mat, Unreal mat)
Cinema 4D(Arnold, Redshift)


All file formats from SP
Packed or non Packed textures in shaders
Up to 8k res export
Integration with 6 3D Programs: Blender,Maya, Houdini, Cinema 4D, 3DS Max and Modo
Integration with 8 renderers: Cycles, Evee, Arnold, Redshift, Corona, Renderman, Modo, VRay
Support of Opacity and Emissive maps + PBR Metal Roughness maps


Houdini Mantra integration
Cinema 4d Integration
Marmoset Integration
Linux compatibility

Known limitations:

3DS Max only works with the Slate Material editor
3DS Max corona doesn’t support UDIMS
3DS Max Arnold won’t update automatically the shader textures if you are using UDIMs (Arnold in 3ds max known limitation)
Some antivirus may detect the exe files as false positive threats, the exe files are only a way to simplify the usage, otherwise you would require to install python 2, python 3 or both depending on your computer, also you would require some additional libraries, if you prefer the python version let me know. I use pyinstaller to create an exe from my *.py scripts




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